Essays by Ted Kerasote

Scroll down to view essays on Dogs, Skiing, Hunting & Fishing, Wildlife & Nature, and Tibet. Click on the essay title to read.


Selling Nonfiction for Fun and Profit

Ted & Pukka in Office


Dogs Like Us
The New York Times, February 13, 2006

Mad Dogs
The New York Times, August 27, 2006

Every Dog Has His Day
The New York Times, February 11, 2009

Feeling Guilty About Your Purebred Dog?
The New York Times, February 17, 2010

Lessons From A Freethinking Dog
Jackson Hole, 2008


Ted Kerasote Skiing

By The Grace of Snow
Jackson Hole, Winter 2000-2001
A last dump of powder can save those afflicted with Reverse SAD from going into terminal spring depression.

A Thin White Line
Outside, April 2003
The Durand Glacier avalanche and the agony of a grieving guide who led seven clients to their deaths.

The Man in Red and The Woman in Blue
Outside, December 1991
The craziest things go through a man's mind when he races the 50-kilometer-long Yellowstone Rendezvous Nordic Ski Race.

Ted & Pukka MountainsHUNTING & FISHING

Restoring the Older Knowledge
Orion, Winter 1996
How Americans might bring kindness and thoughtfulness to hunting.

Catch and Deny
Heart of Home, 2003
Is catch-and-release fishing really ethical?

Three Long Seconds
Bugle, March-April 1999
In hunting, as in life, true boldness sometimes means doing absolutely nothing.


The Nature of Nature, 1994
Cutting lodgepoles for one's house means listening to the trees.

Carnivore, Omnivore, Vegan: The Hardest Questions
Heart of Home

Borders Without Fences
The New York Times, February 24, 2007

MonutainsA Killing At Dawn
The Best American Science & Nature Writing 2001
A mother elk displays the full range of "human" emotions after losing her calf to a pack of wolves.

The Untouchable Wild
Audubon, September/October 1999
Are today's eco-trips really better for Africa's habitat than the shooting parties of Hemingway's era?

They Kill Elephants Don't They - December, 2004
A plan to kill 25,000 elephants a year — with trophy hunters doing some of the shooting — has divided African wildlife experts and revived old charges of colonialism.


Tibetan Murder Mystery
Legal Affairs, May/June 2003
Why the Dalai Lama's push to modernize his nation cost a venerable lama his life.